1)A twitter account
2)A valid email id
3)A blog or a website
You will gain points in this competition and once you get the highest number of points at the end of a week, you are the winner.
What you gotta do to get points?
Do the following:
1)Join and become a follower of this site via clicking the Join this site button in the right sidebar and you will get 10 points(one time only and no multiple accounts allowed!)2)Follow me on twitter and get 10 points(one time only)3)Subscribe to email updates and get 10 points(one time only)4)Comment and get 3 points for every comment, make an interesting thread, don't spam(spam comments will be deleted!)
The winner of this competition will get $50 worth rewards!
1)An advertisement space for his/her blog in the sidebar under the google ads under the title 'Featured site of the week'. Normally this is $20/week
2)A review of his/her blog on this blog(I will write an honest review for your site with a backlink to your site).Normally this is $30.
The runner up will only get an advertisement banner on this blog.
Hope you all actively participate in this competition. The more you are active, the more you will gain.
Similar competitions are run on my other blogs, only the rewards are slightly different. You can join them too!
The competition starts today!